Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Perry - Tell us it ain't so - BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE - WOW!!!
Perry Christopher, the chairman of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee, on his blog states that he and Kim Ward have no say and no control of what the state GOP does in Westmoreland County campaigns.
“The PA GOP state senate campaign committee ran/orchestrated the campaign. And, according to, I didn't have much to do with it either.” He continues by saying that Tom Balya was wrong in stating “she [Kim Ward] orchestrated one of the most mean-spirited campaigns in county history when she brought in Bob Jubelier's henchmen to attack Allen Kukovich” because, get this, “Kim was busy in the Bush/Cheney campaign.”

We all remember the Bush/Cheney personal attack campaign, the mean spirited "swift boat" ads. And, now, because Kim Ward was busy in the Bush/Cheney campaign, GOP Chairman Perry now implies that Kim Ward was therefore not responsible for “one of the most mean-spirited campaigns in county history”
By passing the buck and denying responsibility as the Westmoreland GOP County leaders for “of the most mean-spirited campaigns in county history,” Perry now blames others for doing the nasty personal attack campaign against Kukovich, and not Perry Christopher, the chairman of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee nor former Westmoreland County Chair and now Supervisor Kim Ward.
Perry, Did you really mean to admit that both you and Kim as the GOP leaders in Westmoreland County DO NOT CONTROL what happens in the GOP party campaigns in the county that you and she head up? Is that how Kim operates as a Supervisor? What are we to expect if she was ever to become a County Commissioner – will the state GOP call the shots then also. Or is this how you divorce yourself and Supervisor Kim Ward from “one of the most mean-spirited campaigns in county history?”
I think you protest too much and in a very weak manner – as leaders the BUCK STOPS WITH YOU AND SUPERVISOR KIM WARD!

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